What’s new?

We are open for booking for the new academic term!

For more information on where and when our classes run, please click the button below…

Please reach out using this form to secure a place.

WOW WOW WOW🎅🏼 What an amazing day of performances we had! Both of our Showcases were brilliant and all the children should be so proud of themselves!

Thanks to Robert and Wallace at Movilla Presbyterian Church for all of your help and the use of the space 😊

We are delighted to say that we raised a whopping £707 for MacMillan 🎉 Thank you so much for your generosity.

Thanks again,
Catherine & Lucy

Sign up for Summer Scheme 2024…

If contacting through the website, please check your junk mail as responses sometimes go there!

We are open for booking for the new school year!

For more information on where and when our classes run, please click the button below!

Please reach out using this form to secure a place.

Sign up for Summer Scheme 2023: Week 1 Now Booked!

Theatrics is back for the new school year 2022/23

Contact us for more information on classes running this year!

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

A wonderful Christmas Story…

A wonderful Christmas poem…

“The Scariest Kids in the Street".” Read our kids Halloween story by clicking the button below!

We had the most amazing week at Summer Scheme of Drama and Crafts. Check out some of the photos from our week below…



A huge thank you to the Arts Council of Northern Ireland for their support of Theatrics through COVID-19.

January 2021

As we return to lockdown, some classes have been moved online and others postponed until we are able to be back face-to-face.

We are so excited that vaccines are happening and that the little world of Theatrics should look more normal by the next academic year. As always, thank you for your continued support - and we will bounce back once this is over!

We’re back!

It is so wonderful to be back teaching face-to-face. While classes are not in school buildings just yet, we are teaching afterschool classes in alternate locations.

  • For our Brooklands Primary School pupils, we are teaching in the Enler Centre on a Monday afterschool.

  • For our Abbey Primary School pupils, we are teaching in Movilla Presbyterian Church on a Tuesday afterschool.

The new term during COVID-19

It is our priority to get classes started as safely and as soon as we can! We are not be able to operate within schools just yet, but classes will be going ahead in some form or another!

Please be patient as we figure out how to go forward in the safest way for everyone.

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Exam details


LAMDA results through from the online examinations in June, and face-to-face exams in July. I couldn’t be prouder.

Not only were these the first Speech and Drama exams that any of my pupils had taken, but they were done in the strangest of circumstances!

Huge congratulations to you all!


7th JULY 2020

It's officially summer! What a term it has been. There have been so many changes, and the final term of Theatrics’ first year has looked quite different than expected, with endless hours of zoom classes and online exams!

A huge thank you to the wonderful pupils and supportive parents during such a difficult time for us all. Stay tuned for posts over the summer and updates regarding back-to-school! Have an amazing summer!

Face-to-face LAMDA examinations

4th-6th JULY 2020

A Public Centre in Belfast for LAMDA examinations is running in July! This will allow for face-to-face assessment (with all of the appropriate protective measures in place)! Usually, the Belfast Public Centre for LAMDA exams is the Crowne Plaza. However, this year, exams will be held in a number of locations to comply with government guidelines. The arrangement of this has not been without difficulty. The LAMDA rep and head of CAST School of Speech and Drama, Catherine Gardiner, has worked tirelessly to ensure all pupils can be examined this year. A huge thank you to her for enabling this to go ahead.

Good luck to all pupils taking part!

Online LAMDA examinations

15-17th JUNE 2020

LAMDA exams are going ahead online via Zoom on 15th-17th June 2020. Coronavirus has changed our face-to-face interactions and LAMDA has devised a remote online assessment (an ROA) to cope with these changes. Pupils studying up to Grade 3, who are happy to, can complete these examinations. A public centre in Belfast is currently being arranged in order to cater for older pupils or students who would prefer to be examined face-to-face. This will go ahead subject to government guidelines.

Good luck to Theatrics pupils taking part!

COVID-19: Theatrics moves online


Due to school closures on the 18th March 2020, Theatrics has moved online to continue providing Speech and Drama classes. Classes will run on the online platform Zoom, and fun activities will continue along with LAMDA examination preparation. These exams will likely take place in a different format or later than expected, but preparations are going ahead as normal.

To find out more, read our blog post “Teaching drama during coronavirus” by clicking below: